The Most Profound Definition of “The Bikini” You’ll Ever Hear
At, we talk to people about bikinis all day long. But one person’s definition of the bikini just blew us away. Here’s Nycked Swimwear Designer Jules Kim and her deeply profound take on the bikini.
thus the new swimwear was named after a small pacific island… interesting isn’t it?
the Bikini island coast in the pacific held one of the initial testing of the nuclear bomb technology. it was literally an explosive revolutionary discovery. about this same time period, a revolutionary discovery was made – in swimwear design, the swimsuit designer of this scantily fresh concept decided to name it the “bikini” in comparison to this radical new invention (s).
Who’s the girl at 1:00?
I hope this lady doesn’t really believe the definition of bikini. bikini has no relation to the Latin word “bi” meaning two as in 2 piece suit.
…when this new “explosive ” idea of a scanty and daring new bathing suit was invented. which was about the same time frame as the nuclear testing age occurred. it was comparatively compared to this new and revolutionary discovery of the nuclear age, thus naming this comparatively new and revolutionary discovery the “bikini” as homage to it being explosively a game changer in its respective discovery. knowing is half the battle!
Bikini atoll = atomic test
That’s why that’s hot.
Yes, she totally failed to mention the Bikini Atoll islands.
the US used to conduct nuclear bomb testing in the pacific off the Bikini Island coast. the discovery of this explosive new technology was really a big deal it still is…
then what does it mean?